- 20April 20, 2025No events
- 21April 21, 2025No events
- 22April 22, 2025No events
- 23April 23, 2025No events
- 24April 24, 2025No events
- 25April 25, 2025No events
- 26April 26, 2025No events
HAM “Check In” meetings are held every Wednesday at the EOC. Meetings are informal, informational and educational beginning at 09:00 AM (end times are flexible).
ALL MERT, CERT, ARES, HEC and Amateur Radio operators are welcomed to attend MERT’s Monthly meeting on the third Saturday each month starting at 10 am at the MCSO Emergency Operations Center located at 698 NW 30th Ave., Ocala, FL
2025 Annual Activities Calendar 2025 03 06