MERT NVIS Antenna phot

NVIS Antenna Class July 24, 2024

July objectives are focused on completing inspections at 6 Shelters and completing the transfer of KG4NXO 2 Meter and 70 cm repeaters along with the WINLINK Gateways (145.030 and 145.630 MHz) into the new Communications Blg. at the Sheriff’s Office Complex tower.

  • Regretfully, testing has verified that one of the antennas or the jumper cable on the updated tower shows a open circuit (no connection). We need to work with the County Communications team on getting this repaired.
  • SHREK Kits moved to the bottom shelves for easier and safer access.
  • Completing surplus inventory audit is scheduled.
  • The construction of the the new ultra-gain dual band antenna was completed and is ready for installation on the Sheriff’s Office Complex tower.


July – MERT Weekly CHECK IN’s:

These weekly Wednesday meetings are open to all Amateur Radio Operators and the General Public where MERT provides assistance to Ham’s with radio programming, amateur radio technical support and learning more about MERT’s Operations. It is also the best time for MERT Members to work on learning new skills as well as new Members to complete the New Member Orientation Guide.

In 2024, MERT meetings are focused on training updates supporting Emergency Communications (EMCOMM) classes and practices consistent with the MERT Training Skill Book objectives.

All Check In meetings are held at the Marion County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located at 698 NW 30th Avenue, Ocala, FL and begin at 9:00 am.


July – MERT Weekly Nets: Our MERT D-Star Net is each Thursday at 1930 hours on KK4DFC (146.790 – D-Star) followed by a CERT & MERT Net at 2000 hours on KJ4CLL (145.330, PL123, -600kHz offset.

All Amateur Radio licensee’s are invited to participate!


This website is for the MERT radio operators and the CERT volunteers in Marion County, Florida. It is used to pass information relating to each group, promote the use of amateur radio and pass along useful information to operate during emergencies for public safety.

The opinions expressed herein are not endorsed by the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.